Wrote and maintained Design Documents for various weapon and utility pickups, such as the Grenade Launcher and Deployable Shield.
Adjusted weapon damage and recoil values following playtests.
Directed the design direction during art and production meetings to integrate rewards for Solaris' debut season.
Created player control mappings for reverse control schemes.
Utilized Playfab backend for live updates of challenges and rewards.
Company: First Contact Ent
Role: Technical Systems Designer
Team Size: 40
Genre: FPS
Platforms: Meta, PS4, PSVR2
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Aug 2020 - May 2021
Designed the input mappings and implemented them in the main menu. (0:19-0:59)
Tuned movement value, specifically speed threshold and when the speed lines for the vignette would turn on.
Advocated for the inclusion of smooth turning as well as snap turning as menu options. (1:00-1:11)
Designed the Rifle to have a high fire rate and medium to medium long range.
Tuned the fire rate and recoil values of the rifle to have no recoil but use up the weapon faster. (0:32-0:47)
Designed the Grenade Launcher to have varying launch forces depending on the firing arc.
Tuned the force for firing a grenade and the time it took for it to explode. (1:24-1:55)
Designed the Deployable Shield. It’s meant to take several shots before a piece of it disappears. (6:00-6:42)
Also can be used as a strategy to block off certain hallways. (5:47-5:56)