
To further increase my level design skills, I decided to take the CGMA Intro to Level Design course taught by Emilia Schatz (Lead Game Designer at Naughty Dog) and Patrick Haslow (Advanced Level Designer at WB Games Montreal). The following are images that showcase me working on a Level Design principle.



Composition stands as a pivotal element in guiding players within a 3D space. This course had me utilizing reference images to help compose an area, keeping in mind of where I was entering from. I was provided some basic geometric models to use as assets in the level.


Shape and Color Psychology

Shapes act as a powerful tool to help guide players through affordances and deterrents. For instance, circles can be used as a means let players know that this path is safe. Alternatively, sharp shapes imply an area that is not traversable. Colors can also act as elements of information. Ie) Green good; red bad. Sometimes even populating an area with negative space can help give more weight to one side of the screen, which leads players over to that area.


Districts and Regions

Another technique used that expands upon reference images is the idea of districts and regions. Utilizing areas with distinct characteristics or landmarks, you help to create a mental map in the player’s head as well as give identity to the level. This helps when you are creating a flow and you need to mark your progress or location.