Studied and chose to use the Finite State Machine method to prototype the base enemy AIs
Layering path finding logic and animation states to move Zombie Enemy Types.
Making sure that ragdoll physics take over and at the correct times without messing up the character orientation when walking. (4:36-5:18)
My prototype of those Zombie Enemies would serve as the base class for all the Nullbodies to Headset Crab enemies throughout the game. (0:48-3:10) , (3:40-4:08) , (4:34-6:34)
All using the same locomotion system and Finite State Machine.
Gameplay Features
Designed and coded the Battery Interaction, the Lever, and Garage Door.
Each object uses physics joints to move or turn. Allowing for objects to obstruct things, such as the door being kept from closing.
Each door presented a challenge, but none as much of as the garage door. As I had to make sure the visuals and physics were aligned whenever the door opened or closed at variable speeds.
Also created an event system call for the internal voltage logic for powering and moving the door and other items.
Worked on other physics based features such as the buttons. (14:00-14:07)
The Rope Lift, I made to carry players who grabbed onto it along a path.
The path could change directions, speed, and could be spawned by designers as long as they move the start and end points of the lift in editor. (14:35-14:43)